Shortcut keys for mac close window
Shortcut keys for mac close window

shortcut keys for mac close window

Press Command + Option + H simultaneously and all other app windows disappear, leaving you focused on one app at a time. Mac power users can often have a dozen or more apps up and running at the same time, and if there are multiple windows open for each app things can quickly get lost… Fortunately, there’s a way to focus on just the app you’re currently working on.

shortcut keys for mac close window

Press Command + ` repeatedly and you’ll flip through all of the open windows in the current app.Ħ) Hide all other app windows (Command + Option + H)

shortcut keys for mac close window

That accent key is to the left of the “1” key on the Mac keyboard. This keyboard shortcut uses the Command key and the (accent) key. I love this keyboard shortcut, because I like to double-click on emails to open them in their own windows, and sometimes my Mac screen is cluttered with individual emails. Oddly enough, this keyboard shortcut does not work with Safari…ĥ) Flip between open application windows (Command + ) Pressing the same keyboard shortcut will toggle it back to the original size.

shortcut keys for mac close window

The window should toggle to fill the entire screen but leave the menu bar exposed. Now go to almost any window and press Command, Option and the equal sign at the same time. We’ll choose Command + Option + = (equal sign) as the shortcut, then click the Add button (see image below): Creating a keyboard shortcut to zoom into / out of a window Here, we’ll type in “Zoom”į – Type the keyboard command you wish to use. However, it’s easy to make your own shortcut key combination:ī – Click on Keyboard, then click the Shortcuts tabĭ – Click the Add ( + ) button at the bottom of the dialogĮ – In the dialog that appears, enter a name for the menu command. There’s no keyboard shortcut built into macOS for maximizing a window that is, making it take up all the available space on the screen without covering the menu bar. That makes Command + M a very useful command, as it can get app windows out of the way while still keeping them nearby.Ĥ) Maximize the current window (No built-in shortcut) Minimizing a window by clicking the yellow “minimize” button or using this keyboard shortcut doesn’t close it instead, it moves a small thumbnail image of the window down to the right side of the menu bar. Press Command ( ⌘ ), Option, and W keys at the same time, and all of those open windows are closed.ģ) Minimize the current window (Command + M) You really don’t want to have to click the close button on every one of those windows, do you? To close all open windows in an application or the Finder, just add the Option key to the first keyboard shortcut listed above. You’ve been doing a lot of photo cropping in the Preview app and you have a hundred windows that are all open. Boom - it’s closed.Ģ) Close all open windows (Command + Option + W) To close an active open window, just press the Command ( ⌘ ) and W keys. However, it’s not something that a lot of new Mac users seem to be aware of, so it bears repeating here. It’s a very common keyboard shortcut to use, and it can save a lot of time and poking around with your favorite pointing device. This keyboard shortcut has been around since the first Macs rolled out of the factories back in 1984. Today we’re going to focus on one variety of keyboard shortcut: shortcuts that are targeted at managing Mac windows.ġ) Close the current window (Command + W) Ten More macOS Keyboard Shortcuts To Improve Productivity.15 macOS Keyboard Shortcuts To Improve Your Productivity.OS X Keyboard Shortcuts You May Have Forgotten… Or Never Knew.We’ve shown you some other keyboard shortcuts in the past: That’s why learning keyboard shortcuts is the top way that Mac professionals improve their productivity. Mice and trackpads may have made it easier for us to point to a specific spot on our Mac screens, but there are some cases where constantly reaching for that pointing control device can slow down our work.

Shortcut keys for mac close window